Duration: only 12/02/2024

Location: Saigon Centre

  • The promotion is applicable for the first 500 Rewards+ members with spending at Saigon Centre on 12/02/2024.
  •  Members with valid single receipts on 12/02/2024 from VND1,500,000 and snap receipts into Rewards+ (from 12/02/2024 - 18/02/2024) will be credited 99,999 lucky points (one time credit per member).
  •  Not applicable for receipts from Chanel; California Centuryon Club and purchasing gift cards at Saigon Centre.
  •  Receipts from different shops cannot be combined and only valid for redemption on the same date of purchases.
  •  Must be a single receipt from VND1,500,000, excluding vouchers and other discount promotions.
  •  Not applicable for event receipts, reprint receipts, handwritten receipts, deposit receipts, goods return receipts, bank slips, goods return receipts, receipts having signs of erasing, counterfeiting or blurring information, over required period for snapping receipts.
  •  By providing personal information for Saigon Centre, members agree that Saigon Centre can use them to promote the mall’s upcoming promotion programmes.
  •  Members must comply with terms and conditions of Rewards+ loyalty program.
  •  Saigon Centre Management reserves the right to change the rules & regulations as and when necessary.