DURATION: 06/12 - 25/12/2018
LOCATION: Saigon Centre Shopping Mall
1. Duration: 06/12/2017 – 25/12/2017
2. How to particiapte:
- Step 1: Like Saigon Centre fanpage (https://www.facebook.com/Saigon Centre)
- Step 2: Capture your moments at Christmas decorations at Saigon Centre
- Step 3: Inbox your photos to Saigon Centre fanpage
- Step 4:Share your photos from Saigon Centre fanpage to your timeline (public) with hastags #SaigonCentre #GoPro #GiangSinhDieuKy
- Step 5: Call for voting (likes, comments, shares) of your photos on Saigon Centre fanpage
3. Prize structure:
- 02 the most favourite prizes are based on number of votes by fans (02 GoPro Hero 5 Black)
- 03 the most unique/impressive/creative prizes are decided by Saigon Centre and GoPro (02 GoPro Hero 6 Black and 01 GoPro Hero 5 Session

4. Winner announcement:
Winner list will be published on Saigon Centre fanpage (https://www.facebook.com/Saigon Centre) on 05/01/2018
5. How to receive prize:
Winners will receive at information counter, level 1, Saigon Centre shopping mall, 65 Le Loi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City from 11/01/2018 – 31/01/2018
6. Other terms and conditions:
Please refer to the attached link: